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发布日期:2023-12-26    作者:     点击:


报告人简介:朱宏图,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校生物统计学、统计学、计算机科学和遗传学的终身教授。他于2018年至2020年担任滴滴出行研究员和首席统计科学家,并于2016年至2018年被授予 MD安德森癌症诊断成像教授。他是国际公认的统计学习、医学图像分析、精准医学、生物统计学、人工智能和大数据分析方面的专家。2011年以来,当选为美国统计协会和数理统计协会的Fellow2016年,他获得了德克萨斯州癌症预防研究所颁发的研究人员奖项,并于2019年获得INFORMS Daniel H.Wagner卓越运营研究实践奖。在NatureScienceCellNature GeneticsPNASAOSJASAJRSSB等顶级期刊发表论文310余篇,在NeurIPSAAAIKDDICDMMICCAIIPMI等顶级会议发表会议论文50余篇。



报告题目:Causal inference and experimental design in two-sided markets

报告摘要:Many modem tech companies, such as Google, Uber, and Didi, utilize online experiments (also known as A/B testing) to evaluate new policies against existing ones. Analyzing the causal relationship between platform policies and outcomes of interest is of great importance to improve key platform metrics. This study focuses on capturing dynamic treatment effects in complex temporal/ spatial experiments and designing informative experiments. We propose a temporal/spatio-temporal varying coefficient decision process (VCDP) model to characterize dynamic treatment effects. Average treatment effects are decomposed into direct and indirect effects (DE and IE) with estimation and inference procedures developed for both. Meanwhile, we establish a framework for calculating conditional quantile treatment effects (CQTE) based on independent characteristics. Notably, we demonstrate that dynamic CQTE equals the sum of individual CQTEs across time under specific model assumptions. Additionally, we propose three optimal allocation strategies for sequential treatments in dynamic settings to minimize variance in treatment effect estimation.Estimation procedures based on off-policy evaluation (OPE) methods are developed. Theoretical properties of the proposed methods are established, including weak convergence, asymptotic power, and optimality of the proposed treatment allocation design.Extensive simulations and real data analyses support the usefulness of the proposed methods.










